This is a quick how to… tutorial on making small pompoms as featured in some of my Christmas knitting patterns.
Small pom poms have been added to some of my projects including hats and scarfs on the gnomes and other patterns.
I used dk weight yarn, use any colour you have.
Materials needed – DK Yarn, A Fork, Large Blunt Sewing Needle, Scissors.
Wrap the yarn around the fork, not too tightly.
Thread yarn through the prongs and knot tightly. Leave these ends longish.
Cut each side of the gathered yarn.
Pushing the yarn up the fork slightly makes it easier to cut.
Trim the pom pom up with scissors, shape it and make it a neat tight ball.
You can use the ends of the tied knot to attach it to your project.
They will probably seem a little fiddly at first but when you get the hang of it, try just wrapping the yarn around your fingers as shown in the how to … beards. If they end up a little rustic you can soon trim them up at the end. You can of course buy various options from craft stores which you could glue or sew to your projects. If you have any suggestions or easier ways of making small pompoms, please feel free to put them in the comments section below to share!